Madhura kapre

 I met a gorgeous lady in 2015 at my college. Like any lucky college girl, I got to experience the most dramatic Bollywood 'Love'. But unlike Bollywood, this was with the female gender.

 Previously, I had read about the LGBTQIA+ community and comprehended very fast that I am a bisexual. I like both Men & Women. I dated that lady  for almost 5½ years and later mutually decided to split up.

 My parents didn't have any idea of this until one day when I mailed my dad telling him that I am a Bisexual. He started asking me some questions but we got over that topic soon that day.

Later, after few weeks my ex-girlfriend's mother called my mom and told her about our not so short relationship. This happened on 6th Sept 2018 the very day section-377 was scrapped. I was always waiting to tell her by myself, but the moment never happened.

She didn't like it and till date has not accepted my sexuality. My dad on the other hand has said he is very proud of me for all accomplishments I attained in my professional life, but is disappointed with me for not being a normal daughter, according to him. It hurts but well, now I'm acquainted with that feeling and chills.

I don't know how many people know this but the law says if anything happens between 2 people of same-gender/sexuality inside a room or if they are walking around outside, it's all legal. The only thing that’s not legal is adoption and marriage.

Delhi Court has released a statement of its scrapping the law, and hence we weren't criminals anymore. The whole world was congratulating India and here was my mom totally annoyed with it.

I am from a military school and that aggression still lies in me. At home, I am constantly bombarded with blackmails and taunts about being Bi. Even if a friend, a girl, visits me or calls me, my mom just has to make a scene out of it.

 It was becoming just too hard to take. 

 We all keep talking about mental health and at this point, I was just at my extreme low. I have to mention in this Homophobia rich setting, I am really grateful for my elder sister who accepts me and comforts me to survive every day peacefully.

Parents need to understand that their kid is an individual and is different from the crowd. It's very cool for parents to make their son wear a frock for a picture, but if he wants to wear it by choice, it suddenly becomes a sin. It's abruptly Shameful and Unacceptable.

Love has no barricades.

If your parents accept you the way you are, you have won the world. If your parents don't accept you, it's just complicated to ask others.

But in this journey, I've been lucky and met some really cool and supportive people, one of such is my girlfriend Sakshi who's always been my constant support system. 

My past talk, at a conference, was about Psychiatrists & Psychologists and how they entertain parents who are homophobes. But in my opinion, they should promote the idea that's it’s okay and assist to normalize being a part of the LGBTQIA+ community.

Not doing so would increase suicidal problems as children are not ready to come out and are not ready to face the reaction of society which isn’t safe for them. They’re constantly afraid of being judged by their parents and how it’ll affect them but at the end of the day, you’re a parent of a kid so your child being a part of the community shouldn't break your bond.

My last message for people is it's okay if any person is from the LGBTQIA+ community as far as Humanity, Love, and Existence are concerned everything is fine. 

People need to understand it's okay to have feelings for anybody, be it from the same gender or the other, at last, we are all humans.
