"You don't need anything big to start a change, a change can come from even drawing a small painting." - Soumya Dalmiya


Soumya Dalmiya

Being an economics student and a citizen of India, an overpopulated and developing country, I have noticed that the pandemic has affected all, it has left many unemployed, and for many wages have reduced. These economic problems have had a greater impact on the socio-economically impaired. To reduce the burden for such people I decided to paint canvases and selling them to raise funds for covid-19 survivors by donating in the PM care funds which was formed to fund the fight against this pandemic.

 I painted more than 55 canvases and to increase the sale I made an Instagram page – 'Orangeornith' and posted photos of my art and promoted the page across. I also convinced my parents and their friends to post it on their social media pages and the response was overwhelming . This was covered in detail by the local newspaper which helped me in Marketing and the sales went up. I tried to do my bit with limited resources and with support of my parents during the last year lockdown. That gave me a purpose and massive learning on the nuances of digital marketing which really motivated me. 

My biggest motivator is my mom; I always grew up watching her help people which she still does till date. She’s the one who nudged me to take this step. It gave me a sense of purpose and accomplishment which is why I want to continue doing it.

 What I learnt and explored through my journey so far is that every small step matters. You don’t need anything big to start a change, a change can come from even drawing a small painting. The efforts matter, either big or small. "Life is a work in progress", so keep working hard towards a good cause to bring a greater change.


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