"When u work on something, you inevitably start getting good at it."- Harshit Tank


Harshit Tank

I didn't get into music until quite late in my life as compared to a lot of people who start learning to sing or to play instruments since childhood. I think I was in 6th grade when I saw a friend of mine play the guitar and it just swept me away. The whole concept of creating music just intrigued me. 

I used to love making random sounds with my mouth since I was a kid. I used to do that so much that it used to irritate everyone around me. I remember once in school my bench mate complained to the class teacher about me making weird noises all the time and I got a good scolding about it.

I started to learn the guitar in 8th standard and that's when my interest in music and my 'habit' of making sounds with my mouth came together and started to shape my personality. I discovered that my ability to make sounds is actually called Beatboxing and I'm actually good at it. I started to work on my guitar skills and my beatboxing just as a hobby at first. But when you work on something, you inevitably start getting good at it.

I started doing small shows in school and spending all of my break time in the music room, practicing with my friends, improving on my skills. It was in the summer of 9th grade when things really changed. I'd never seen myself doing events in the city but it happened. There was an event called Indian Youth Conclave by @mycaptainofficial  where they were looking for speakers and artists to perform. The person in charge of the musical segment was a friend of mine from school and he invited me and a couple of my Beatboxer friends to perform.

And it changed my life.

The feeling you get when you're re up on stage... With those speakers blasting your music at deafening volumes... With all those people cheering in unison... I just knew that this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I started writing songs, practicing more, exploring different instruments. After a while I started to feel like I should know how to record this stuff. How to put it all together to make a song.

And so little by little, doing research and gaining experience, I put together my own home studio and started recording music.

I recently released my first single Gone, written, composed, recorded, mixed and mastered by me. You can check it out @harshittankofficial. My ultimate goal in life, is to touch as many lives with my music as possible. Make people happy. Make them feel good about themselves... I've still got a lot to learn and a long way to go but hey, it's a start isn't it?


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