"Follow your dreams with right intensions and work ethics."- Kunal Sharawat


Kunal Sharawat

All my life I have always followed my heart and my intuitions, and trust me it has taken me to beautiful places and experiences. September 2019, me and my friends were sitting in a cafe and we were discussing about few general things that would bother any 20+ year old guy about life. Money, career, health and what not. We were already in a phase that we wanted to do something to earn money that would give us stability. But at the same time we never wanted it to be a mainstream business or something without any values.1 month down the line after a good research and endless discussions we came up with the idea of Core Seven. 

So, Core Seven is based on 7 aspects of life which are - Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, Social, Family, Financial. All these aspects go hand in hand and are very important to have a well balanced and happy life. We decided that we will work on these aspects and give the right knowledge and right services to our customers. Without wasting a single minute we decided to do a event in Nagpur to check the response about Core Seven and whether people will like it or not. Our first event was in December and it was a great success. Soon after the first one we went for the second one in the month of March, but this time we wanted to portray more values and wanted to sell Core Seven to the audience, and we did it successfully. As soon as we decided that we will finally start giving our services to the audience, guess what? COVID happened and we were on the Bach foot for almost 8 months.

But you know what they say, now is the time to start. So this time the hunt started for the office and a space where we can provide our services. We finally came across this beautiful terrace space which was just the perfect place we were looking for. All 3 of us, me and my fellow co-founders. We renovated the complete space without much of any outside help and after 1 month we made it the place we just wanted it to be. It’s been 4 months now and we are running our 3 products very successful, which are Yoga, Cardio and Zumba.

We at Core Seven don’t prefer traditional gym methods. We train people like athlete’s and our aim is to make them happy and healthy and fit. Not following the traditional methods, we by far are doing great in terms of customer experience and we promise that we will continue to do the same in future. Soon, we will be launching our mental health and financial health services. Which are again out of the box and is very important at this point of time. Follow your dreams with right intentions and work ethic. Focus only on what you want and take pride and have 100% confidence in whatever you do. Trust me, wonders will happen.


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